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Jason Allemann (Array) | |
Joined: 2012-04-11 |
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10245 11 1984 2001 2010 2015 31032redcreatures 6866 9000 abduction abominable aircraft airplane airplanes alternate alternatemodel angel animal apollo apple aqua archer archery architecture ariesk art artemis artist atte authors autobot automation automaton aviation aviator ball ballista balloon bambi banana bat bear beaver bigbrother blue book bookend boost booster bow box brick brickcon brickfete brother brutalism brutalist buildings bulking bumble bunny bus bust camel canada canada150 canadian candy candymachine canoe capital cardassian castle catapult cattle cemetery cern chalet chest chicks chocolate chrismas christmas chroniclesofnarnia cinnamonhearts circle city clasp classic claus clock clockwork cn colony combination combine computer construction cookie cookies cornelius cottage cow cowbell crane crocodile crop cross crypt crystal cup custom da dancing davinci day deathstar decoration decorator deep dendroid destroyer discovery discworld dispenser doctor doomsday dr dragon dragonfly drawing droid droideka dropship drseuss drummerboy duck earth easter easterbunny eeyore egg eggs elephant elf elves engine engineer engineering englishvillage ent enterprise equipment escape escapement ev3 fairy falkor faller farm festive fiction firstflight fish fisherman fishing flag flight flower flyer flying fokker for force forma friend friends furtrade future gallop galloping galor game gbc georgeorwell ghost glider goat god goose gosling gothic gotta gravity greatballcontraption greek groot guided hal hal9000 halloween hand hands harvester hatching have head health heart heist helmet historical hoberman hockey holiday holstein hood horse horses house hudsonbay human hunger hyperdrive hyperspace iceberg icing ideas imagination jackandthebeanstalk jakku junkbot junkrat kangaroo keyboard kinetic kineticart kineticsculpture kit klingon kraken labyrinth largehadroncollider lawnmower laying lazarus lecturn legend leonardo leonov lettering lhc lightcycle lighting lightrail little lock logo lorax lordoftherings luck machine mahal mandalorian map marble mario math maythefourth maze mechanic mechanical mechanicalkeyboard mechanism medieval memorial mental micro microscale millenniumfalcon mind mindstorms moc model modification monochrome monolith monowheel moon mooninites more morsecode mosaic motor motorcycle motorized mountain mouse mousetrap mythology mythosaur narnia nasa nativity nautical nest neverending ninja nursery oar oc ocd odyssey olympic onceler ontario orbit organization ornament ornithopter orrery ottawa paddling panda pandabear panel parliament parlugment particleaccelerator parts peace penguin piano piranha plane planet plant polar poop pop poppy popup popupbook postcard printer projectile pulltoy pumpkin pursuit pursuitofflight puzzle rabbit racer raps realistic red redbaron reindeer remembrance remix replica research retro revival rey rhyme riding ring rings riptire robot robots rocket rollercoaster room rudolph safe santa saturn saturnv scale scene science scifi sculpture sea seesaw self set seuss shark shel ship shiptember silverstein sisyphus site skating skeleton skihill skilift skislope skull sleigh smash snl snowman solar sopwith sound space spacecraft spaceship speeder sphere spider spirograph spooky spring stand star starfighter starwars steam steampunk stick storage stories story strandbeest strongbad sun super swimming swoosh system taj tale tales tambourbox technic teen teeter telegraph themachinesarecoming tiefighter toque toronto totter tour tower towercrane town toy toys tractor train transformers transpo transport trap treant trebuchet trek trenchrun tron tronlegacy turtle tutorial ufo ultimate unicycle university universityofwaterloo up useless valentine valentines valentinesday vault vehicle veteran vic vicviper video vignette village vinci viper vision:car=0518 vision:car=0575 vision:mountain=0623 vision:outdoor=0543 vision:outdoor=0657 vision:outdoor=0799 vision:outdoor=091 vision:outdoor=092 vision:outdoor=093 vision:outdoor=0971 vision:outdoor=098 vision:outdoor=0986 vision:sky=0567 vision:sky=0749 vision:text=0506 vision:text=0547 vision:text=0571 vision:text=060 vision:text=067 vision:text=0712 vorcha voyageurs vulture walker walkinganimals war wardrobe wars waterloo weapon wheel white winniethepooh winter wire wolfsbane workshop world wrightbrothers wrightflyer ww1 xwing yellow yukon
10245 11 1984 2001 2010 2015 31032redcreatures 6866 9000 abduction abominable aircraft airplane airplanes alternate alternatemodel angel animal apollo apple aqua archer archery architecture ariesk art artemis artist atte authors autobot automation automaton aviation aviator ball ballista balloon bambi banana bat bear beaver bigbrother blue book bookend boost booster bow box brick brickcon brickfete brother brutalism brutalist buildings bulking bumble bunny bus bust camel canada canada150 canadian candy candymachine canoe capital cardassian castle catapult cattle cemetery cern chalet chest chicks chocolate chrismas christmas chroniclesofnarnia cinnamonhearts circle city clasp classic claus clock clockwork cn colony combination combine computer construction cookie cookies cornelius cottage cow cowbell crane crocodile crop cross crypt crystal cup custom da dancing davinci day deathstar decoration decorator deep dendroid destroyer discovery discworld dispenser doctor doomsday dr dragon dragonfly drawing droid droideka dropship drseuss drummerboy duck earth easter easterbunny eeyore egg eggs elephant elf elves engine engineer engineering englishvillage ent enterprise equipment escape escapement ev3 fairy falkor faller farm festive fiction firstflight fish fisherman fishing flag flight flower flyer flying fokker for force forma friend friends furtrade future gallop galloping galor game gbc georgeorwell ghost glider goat god goose gosling gothic gotta gravity greatballcontraption greek groot guided hal hal9000 halloween hand hands harvester hatching have head health heart heist helmet historical hoberman hockey holiday holstein hood horse horses house hudsonbay human hunger hyperdrive hyperspace iceberg icing ideas imagination jackandthebeanstalk jakku junkbot junkrat kangaroo keyboard kinetic kineticart kineticsculpture kit klingon kraken labyrinth largehadroncollider lawnmower laying lazarus lecturn legend leonardo leonov lettering lhc lightcycle lighting lightrail little lock logo lorax lordoftherings luck machine mahal mandalorian map marble mario math maythefourth maze mechanic mechanical mechanicalkeyboard mechanism medieval memorial mental micro microscale millenniumfalcon mind mindstorms moc model modification monochrome monolith monowheel moon mooninites more morsecode mosaic motor motorcycle motorized mountain mouse mousetrap mythology mythosaur narnia nasa nativity nautical nest neverending ninja nursery oar oc ocd odyssey olympic onceler ontario orbit organization ornament ornithopter orrery ottawa paddling panda pandabear panel parliament parlugment particleaccelerator parts peace penguin piano piranha plane planet plant polar poop pop poppy popup popupbook postcard printer projectile pulltoy pumpkin pursuit pursuitofflight puzzle rabbit racer raps realistic red redbaron reindeer remembrance remix replica research retro revival rey rhyme riding ring rings riptire robot robots rocket rollercoaster room rudolph safe santa saturn saturnv scale scene science scifi sculpture sea seesaw self set seuss shark shel ship shiptember silverstein sisyphus site skating skeleton skihill skilift skislope skull sleigh smash snl snowman solar sopwith sound space spacecraft spaceship speeder sphere spider spirograph spooky spring stand star starfighter starwars steam steampunk stick storage stories story strandbeest strongbad sun super swimming swoosh system taj tale tales tambourbox technic teen teeter telegraph themachinesarecoming tiefighter toque toronto totter tour tower towercrane town toy toys tractor train transformers transpo transport trap treant trebuchet trek trenchrun tron tronlegacy turtle tutorial ufo ultimate unicycle university universityofwaterloo up useless valentine valentines valentinesday vault vehicle veteran vic vicviper video vignette village vinci viper vision:car=0518 vision:car=0575 vision:mountain=0623 vision:outdoor=0543 vision:outdoor=0657 vision:outdoor=0799 vision:outdoor=091 vision:outdoor=092 vision:outdoor=093 vision:outdoor=0971 vision:outdoor=098 vision:outdoor=0986 vision:sky=0567 vision:sky=0749 vision:text=0506 vision:text=0547 vision:text=0571 vision:text=060 vision:text=067 vision:text=0712 vorcha voyageurs vulture walker walkinganimals war wardrobe wars waterloo weapon wheel white winniethepooh winter wire wolfsbane workshop world wrightbrothers wrightflyer ww1 xwing yellow yukon