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The Canadian (Array)
Joined: 2012-06-28

Tag cloud:
2 202nd 3 457th 457thcorps abu advanced am an andreas animation anti arab army arsenal asia associateseuropean awesome ba believe best better bible black bot bots brickarms brickbuilt brickforge brickwarriors bro buildings cam chest christmas ciaoperative clone clones color cool corps creation cross custom dark darkwater david dc17 decals dhabi diorama epic eric ericthered eu eucommando eulrv eulrvtrooptransport eumilitary european europeanunion faction figbarf figures finnick firstratecustoms for forcedperspective forceperspective found future futuristic futuristicmilitary gale game gibrick group gun hac hardsuit hello helmet hey hi hmmmmm hoth i is jesus jetpack jonathan jumpack justin ka katniss kylan legoeulrv legofaction legoforcedperspective legofuturisticmilitary legomilitary legoscene legostarwars legothepurge legs leo lighting like limabean lolololololol lost m mad magus me mech mecha microspace military militarythe minifigcat modern motion mountains naboo nar neon never nights nope ohai old ops pan panasia people phase pow protos purge purgesharp reading red replying republic revor robot rocket rpg sale saw scene scenes sharp sharpsky sharpskyassociates sky sniper snot snow sntistuds somalia somaliaindustrial sons sp3 space spam spammity special squad ssa stage star starwars stickers stop studs tags testament the thehungergames them thepurge thepurgeeu thepurgestage3 this tiles trolololo trooper u unionlego usa vehicle video vig vignette war wars warsawpact white will wimbe ww3 yay yayax yellow you your
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