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Jack M. (Array) | |
Joined: 2013-11-08 |
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1 10 100th 11 14 16 16x16 2 200th 2013 2014 2x3 3 4 4th 5 50 50th 6 7 8 9 aauron able about abs ackbar action actor admiral adobe adorable adventure again age agents ai air airbend airbenderaang aladdin alien all alley alphabet alterf alternate am amazing ambush america amon an anakin ancient anduril angmar animal animated animation anniversary annoyingnoisesproductions ant anthony antique antman antony apocalypse arachnid aragog aragorn arc archer arent argonath arkenstone arkham arm armies armor army arrest arrow ars art artificial artistic artof arwen asgard asteroid atack atsdcc automatom automaton automatonpictures automatopn automoton autoomaton autopic avatar avengers awakens awesome aww axe azanulbizar azkaban azog azogs bab baby back bad bag bagend baggins bagginses bagiins balck balde balin balinorc balins balinstomb ball ballistic balrog bandit bane banner bard barrel barreldwarf barrels bat batman batsignal battle bbc be beach bear bearer bearers because beckett before behind being bend bending berserk berserker bert best bfva bifrost big bigfig bilbo bilbos bill birthday black blacktron blade blaster blaze block blow blue board boarding bob boba bog bokeh bolg bomb bombur bomburs bond bone book boromir bossk bottom bouncing bounty bow bowler bowman brandybuck brick brickfair bricks bridge bright broom brother brotherhood brothers brown bruce bts bucket bug build bulletbulletgunbangshoot bunny burden burglar burn business bust busts by cactus camera can canaan candy canon cantwaitnew cape caped captain caradhas caribbean cash cassette castle catain cave cavill celebrate celebration cell chain challenge chaos character charge chase chipmink chipmunk chippy christmas christopher city classic claus clay cliff clites cloak cloaked clock clockwork clone cloner clones close cloud clouds clover clown co cockpit cold collage collect collectable collectible collectuble colorful colors columbus come comic comics coming comp company competition computer con contest convention cook cookie corridor corrupt corsair coruscant cosmic cosplay costume coulson council count countdow countdown courage cover cowboy crane crash crashed crazy creation creations creature credits creepy cross crow crusader crystal cube cuckoo culvert curse custom cute cutler cyborg cyclops d dagger dale dance dancing dangerous daredevil dark darkness darren darrowdelf darth data david day daytime dc dead death deathly decal deep deeping defend defending defiler delgax dementor dementors denethor dense desert design desolaion desolation desolationof desolationofsmaug destroy destroyed destroyer destruction detail diancing diary diego different dinner disaster discover discovering discovery do doctor does dog doing dol done dont dontknow doodle dooku doom door dori down dr dracula dragon dragonfly drawn draws droid dronearmy drop droplets duel dum dunedain dunharrow dunk durin durins dust dwalin dwarf dwarven dwarves dwing e e11even eagle eagles earth east easter eat ecthelion edoras eensyweensy eerie egg eggs eh electric electricity electro element elements eleven elf elfin elizabeth elrond elven elvenking elves elvish emerge emerging emmett emote empire end endor ends ent entry eomer eos epic episode erebor escape escaping esgaroth evangeline evenstar everyone everything evil ewok ewokologist ewoks excited excuses exo expecto expensive explode explore explorer explosion extension extraterrestrial eye eyes fable facing faery fail fair fairy faith fall fallen falling famous fan fancy fang fantasy far faramir fast fbtb fear feast feet fellowhip fellowship female fett few fiftieth fifty fig fight fighter fighters fighting figure filch film final finale find finn fire fires firework fireworks fish five flame flare flickr flies floor fly flying fog food fool for forbidden force forced forest forge forged forges forgotten forrestfire101 fortress four fourth freddie frodo from frown fry frying full fun funny fury future futuristic g g3 galactic galadriel galaxy game gamgee gamling gandalf gandalfarrivesfrodosamstar gandalfs garc gat gate gathering gear gem genetic genie geoshift get getaway giant gimli gimlis gingerbread girion glamdring glasmdring glitch gloin glooum glow go goblin goblingoblins goblins god goes goggles going gold gollum gondor gone good gornakian gotham grass grave gray great greatyear greeble greedy greek green greenleaf grey grima groot gross grunge guard guardians guards guarians guldur gun gundabad gunfight guns hagrid hagrids hai hair hairy haldir half halfling halloween hallows hammer hamster hand hangar hank happy harry hary hat have he head heads heair heart hedgehog heir hel helm helmet helms helmsdeep hen henry hero heroes heros hide hiding hill hlem hoard hobbit hobbiton hobbits hogwarts holiday holo holodata hologram homeland hood horn hornburg horrible horror horse how huge hulk hulkbuster humor hunt hunter hyde i ice idea ideas ignition ii im imladris imperial imprisoned incantatem independence india infiltrator infinity information inside inspiring intelligence interrogation interview inthe invent irish iron is isen isengard island istari it its ittybitty iwing j jabba jack jacket jackson jackula jail jakku jango jazz jedi jekyll jerry jetpack job john joker journey july jump just k714 kamino kanata kenobi kevin kevkipo key khazad kili king kinifigure kiss kitten knife knight knightowl korath krypton lad ladder lagoon lair lake laketown lamp land landed lang lantern laptop large laser last late lava layout lbam leaf leap leaves lee lefo left legend lego3x11l legoautomaton legography legohaulic legolas lens leo leog leprechaun letter level liberty life light lighting lightning lightsaber like lilly line lives logo loki lone lonely looking looove lord lordof lorien lost lothlorien love lurk lurking lurtz lwgo m machine macro madness magic magnet main make maker malfunction man mandalore mandalorian mandarin mando mandolorian many map mark marooned marvel mask master mat maul max may mayor maz me meal mean mech mecha medusa meet melt meme memeable men menace merry messenger metropolis micro middle miifig minas mine mines minfig minfigure minififg minifig minifigminifigure minifigs minifigure minifigures minigih minigihure minigure mirkwod mirkwood mischief mission mist misty mithrandir mjolnir mnifig mnifigure moc money monk monster montage moon moonlight morag mordor more morgoth morgul moria mosaic mote moth motion motuh mount mountain mountains mouth movie mrikwood mrs mug mushroom mushrooms music musician must mutant mutton mysterious name named naming narrow nathan nature nazgul názgul ncs near necromancer nervous never new news nibble nick nickelodeon night nine no noise nolan nomad nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nori norris norse north now numenor o oakenshield obi ocean odd odonata of office ofultron old ominous one open opens or orange orb orc orcish orcrist orcs orcsorcish order ori orodruin orthanc our out over own p palace palantÃr palantir pale paleorc palpatine pan panorama paper parachute parchment parody part particles party pass path patrick patricks patriot patronum patronus pearl peering peregrin perhapsyoucometotellmewhymysonis perseus personality pet peter phantom phial phil photo photography photoshop photostream picturehelm pictures picturres picturs piece pillar pinecone pipe pippin pirate pirates pixie planet plant plastic plate play player playwright please pocket pod podcast pole poop poor portrait pose post poster pot potion potter powerpig precious preciousssssss prepare preparing presence present preview prince princess priori prison prisoner productions protector pumpkin pumpkintÃr pumpkintir pure pym q quest question quill quote r rabbit race radagast rain rainbow ranger rangers rare rat react reaction reactor rebel reckless reclaim recreation red reflectionplanet regrets reid release repulsor rescue return reupload revenge review revised rey rhodes rhodey rich rick riddle riddles ride rider riders rides riding rigs rinf ring ringbearer rings ringwraith ringwraiths rip rises risk rivalry rivendell river roast robot rock rohan rohirrim romance roof round rowers rubeus ruin ruins rum run runes running sad saga sailor sam same samwise san sand sandy santa saruman sarumans sauron saurons sawaya súl scale scaley scar scaramanga scary scavenger scene scenes scott scratchen screwdriver scribe sdcc sea seasick sedd see seed seeds seeing seek seeking series serpent serpentine servant serve set sets setup seven shakespeare shall shape share shelob sheriff shield shieldbaording ship shire shock short should show shpowdown sick sickness siege sifig sig sigfig signal signature silvan silver simply sirius sith six skeleton skendiv sketch skull sky skydive skydiver skydiving skywalker slave small smaug smeagol smoke smoking snake snow snowball snowballs soaceship soldier someone song sonic sorcery sorry soul space spaceship spark sparrow spear species speech spell spells spider spiderman spiders spiky spirit split splitz spoof spooky spotted spray sprite spy square squirrel sring st staff stair stairs star starfighter starfighters stark starlord starwars state statue steel stephen steward sting stone stop storm storming stormtrooper story strikes strings stud study stunt stupendous style submission suit sul sullustan sun sunbathing sunflower sunset super superhero superman suron survive survivor swamp swan swor sword symbol t t3 tagged take talk tan tape tardis tatoo tatooine tauriel teaser tech technology teddy teen teeth ten terrified tesseract test thanfu thank thanks thanksgiving that thats théoden theaterfilm thebattleoft theft thelego theoden theodenkingstandsalonegandalfthewhiteeomerrohirrimhorsechargebattleofhelmhelms there these thespian they thief thieves thing things this thisistrulytheend thor thorin thorins thranduil thranduils threshold throne throw thrush thunder tick time times tiny tirith tock tolkien tom tomb tonto tony took top torch tower towers town toy toylegography toys trading tragedy trailer transform transformation trap treachery treasure treat treating tree trek tribute trick trilogy troll trolls trollshaws trooper troopers true trust tube turtle tv twing two tx35 tyler ugly ulrich ultron ultron32 unadulterated underwater undo undoubtedly unexpected unexpectedjourney unicorn unikitty union unknown unnoticed up update uruk urukhai va vader vain valentine valentines vampire vanity veronica version versions versus very victorian view vig vignette vii villain vintage virginia vision:car=0505 vision:car=0538 vision:car=0544 vision:car=0547 vision:car=0597 vision:car=0915 vision:clouds=0504 vision:clouds=0505 vision:clouds=0629 vision:clouds=0652 vision:clouds=0686 vision:clouds=0794 vision:dark=0537 vision:dark=0556 vision:dark=0597 vision:face=099 vision:mountain=0507 vision:mountain=0577 vision:mountain=0581 vision:mountain=0603 vision:mountain=0633 vision:night=054 vision:night=0607 vision:night=0628 vision:night=063 vision:night=0786 vision:night=079 vision:night=0878 vision:night=095 vision:outdoor=0507 vision:outdoor=051 vision:outdoor=0512 vision:outdoor=0543 vision:outdoor=0588 vision:outdoor=0603 vision:outdoor=0627 vision:outdoor=0664 vision:outdoor=0677 vision:outdoor=0717 vision:outdoor=0759 vision:outdoor=0786 vision:outdoor=0808 vision:outdoor=0811 vision:outdoor=0812 vision:outdoor=082 vision:outdoor=0824 vision:outdoor=0827 vision:outdoor=0852 vision:outdoor=0857 vision:outdoor=0885 vision:outdoor=0925 vision:outdoor=0946 vision:outdoor=0958 vision:outdoor=099 vision:people=099 vision:plant=0546 vision:plant=07 vision:portrait=099 vision:sky=0507 vision:sky=0529 vision:sky=0547 vision:sky=0555 vision:sky=0561 vision:sky=0562 vision:sky=0588 vision:sky=0591 vision:sky=0602 vision:sky=0606 vision:sky=0628 vision:sky=0632 vision:sky=0634 vision:sky=068 vision:sky=0726 vision:sky=0754 vision:sky=077 vision:sky=0773 vision:sky=0818 vision:sky=0823 vision:sky=0852 vision:sky=0856 vision:sky=0935 vision:street=0915 vision:sunset=0611 vision:sunset=0813 vision:text=0502 vision:text=0505 vision:text=051 vision:text=0512 vision:text=0514 vision:text=0523 vision:text=0567 vision:text=0602 vision:text=0614 vision:text=0632 vision:text=0642 volcano voldemort vs wakanda wal walk wall wan wand want war warg wargs wars warsparodyhobbitonshireringwriathlord watchful watchtower water wayne we wealth wealthy weathertop web website wee weird well werewolf west western what where white who whom whoops why wicket wide wild will william win windlance windup wing wings winter wip witch witchking with withstand wizard wizards wolf wood woods workshop world worlds wormtongue would write x xmas xxvi xxxvi yazneg year years yellow yellowjacket yikes you your youre youtube zabrak zombie zombies {vision}:{sky}=0528
1 10 100th 11 14 16 16x16 2 200th 2013 2014 2x3 3 4 4th 5 50 50th 6 7 8 9 aauron able about abs ackbar action actor admiral adobe adorable adventure again age agents ai air airbend airbenderaang aladdin alien all alley alphabet alterf alternate am amazing ambush america amon an anakin ancient anduril angmar animal animated animation anniversary annoyingnoisesproductions ant anthony antique antman antony apocalypse arachnid aragog aragorn arc archer arent argonath arkenstone arkham arm armies armor army arrest arrow ars art artificial artistic artof arwen asgard asteroid atack atsdcc automatom automaton automatonpictures automatopn automoton autoomaton autopic avatar avengers awakens awesome aww axe azanulbizar azkaban azog azogs bab baby back bad bag bagend baggins bagginses bagiins balck balde balin balinorc balins balinstomb ball ballistic balrog bandit bane banner bard barrel barreldwarf barrels bat batman batsignal battle bbc be beach bear bearer bearers because beckett before behind being bend bending berserk berserker bert best bfva bifrost big bigfig bilbo bilbos bill birthday black blacktron blade blaster blaze block blow blue board boarding bob boba bog bokeh bolg bomb bombur bomburs bond bone book boromir bossk bottom bouncing bounty bow bowler bowman brandybuck brick brickfair bricks bridge bright broom brother brotherhood brothers brown bruce bts bucket bug build bulletbulletgunbangshoot bunny burden burglar burn business bust busts by cactus camera can canaan candy canon cantwaitnew cape caped captain caradhas caribbean cash cassette castle catain cave cavill celebrate celebration cell chain challenge chaos character charge chase chipmink chipmunk chippy christmas christopher city classic claus clay cliff clites cloak cloaked clock clockwork clone cloner clones close cloud clouds clover clown co cockpit cold collage collect collectable collectible collectuble colorful colors columbus come comic comics coming comp company competition computer con contest convention cook cookie corridor corrupt corsair coruscant cosmic cosplay costume coulson council count countdow countdown courage cover cowboy crane crash crashed crazy creation creations creature credits creepy cross crow crusader crystal cube cuckoo culvert curse custom cute cutler cyborg cyclops d dagger dale dance dancing dangerous daredevil dark darkness darren darrowdelf darth data david day daytime dc dead death deathly decal deep deeping defend defending defiler delgax dementor dementors denethor dense desert design desolaion desolation desolationof desolationofsmaug destroy destroyed destroyer destruction detail diancing diary diego different dinner disaster discover discovering discovery do doctor does dog doing dol done dont dontknow doodle dooku doom door dori down dr dracula dragon dragonfly drawn draws droid dronearmy drop droplets duel dum dunedain dunharrow dunk durin durins dust dwalin dwarf dwarven dwarves dwing e e11even eagle eagles earth east easter eat ecthelion edoras eensyweensy eerie egg eggs eh electric electricity electro element elements eleven elf elfin elizabeth elrond elven elvenking elves elvish emerge emerging emmett emote empire end endor ends ent entry eomer eos epic episode erebor escape escaping esgaroth evangeline evenstar everyone everything evil ewok ewokologist ewoks excited excuses exo expecto expensive explode explore explorer explosion extension extraterrestrial eye eyes fable facing faery fail fair fairy faith fall fallen falling famous fan fancy fang fantasy far faramir fast fbtb fear feast feet fellowhip fellowship female fett few fiftieth fifty fig fight fighter fighters fighting figure filch film final finale find finn fire fires firework fireworks fish five flame flare flickr flies floor fly flying fog food fool for forbidden force forced forest forge forged forges forgotten forrestfire101 fortress four fourth freddie frodo from frown fry frying full fun funny fury future futuristic g g3 galactic galadriel galaxy game gamgee gamling gandalf gandalfarrivesfrodosamstar gandalfs garc gat gate gathering gear gem genetic genie geoshift get getaway giant gimli gimlis gingerbread girion glamdring glasmdring glitch gloin glooum glow go goblin goblingoblins goblins god goes goggles going gold gollum gondor gone good gornakian gotham grass grave gray great greatyear greeble greedy greek green greenleaf grey grima groot gross grunge guard guardians guards guarians guldur gun gundabad gunfight guns hagrid hagrids hai hair hairy haldir half halfling halloween hallows hammer hamster hand hangar hank happy harry hary hat have he head heads heair heart hedgehog heir hel helm helmet helms helmsdeep hen henry hero heroes heros hide hiding hill hlem hoard hobbit hobbiton hobbits hogwarts holiday holo holodata hologram homeland hood horn hornburg horrible horror horse how huge hulk hulkbuster humor hunt hunter hyde i ice idea ideas ignition ii im imladris imperial imprisoned incantatem independence india infiltrator infinity information inside inspiring intelligence interrogation interview inthe invent irish iron is isen isengard island istari it its ittybitty iwing j jabba jack jacket jackson jackula jail jakku jango jazz jedi jekyll jerry jetpack job john joker journey july jump just k714 kamino kanata kenobi kevin kevkipo key khazad kili king kinifigure kiss kitten knife knight knightowl korath krypton lad ladder lagoon lair lake laketown lamp land landed lang lantern laptop large laser last late lava layout lbam leaf leap leaves lee lefo left legend lego3x11l legoautomaton legography legohaulic legolas lens leo leog leprechaun letter level liberty life light lighting lightning lightsaber like lilly line lives logo loki lone lonely looking looove lord lordof lorien lost lothlorien love lurk lurking lurtz lwgo m machine macro madness magic magnet main make maker malfunction man mandalore mandalorian mandarin mando mandolorian many map mark marooned marvel mask master mat maul max may mayor maz me meal mean mech mecha medusa meet melt meme memeable men menace merry messenger metropolis micro middle miifig minas mine mines minfig minfigure minififg minifig minifigminifigure minifigs minifigure minifigures minigih minigihure minigure mirkwod mirkwood mischief mission mist misty mithrandir mjolnir mnifig mnifigure moc money monk monster montage moon moonlight morag mordor more morgoth morgul moria mosaic mote moth motion motuh mount mountain mountains mouth movie mrikwood mrs mug mushroom mushrooms music musician must mutant mutton mysterious name named naming narrow nathan nature nazgul názgul ncs near necromancer nervous never new news nibble nick nickelodeon night nine no noise nolan nomad nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nori norris norse north now numenor o oakenshield obi ocean odd odonata of office ofultron old ominous one open opens or orange orb orc orcish orcrist orcs orcsorcish order ori orodruin orthanc our out over own p palace palantÃr palantir pale paleorc palpatine pan panorama paper parachute parchment parody part particles party pass path patrick patricks patriot patronum patronus pearl peering peregrin perhapsyoucometotellmewhymysonis perseus personality pet peter phantom phial phil photo photography photoshop photostream picturehelm pictures picturres picturs piece pillar pinecone pipe pippin pirate pirates pixie planet plant plastic plate play player playwright please pocket pod podcast pole poop poor portrait pose post poster pot potion potter powerpig precious preciousssssss prepare preparing presence present preview prince princess priori prison prisoner productions protector pumpkin pumpkintÃr pumpkintir pure pym q quest question quill quote r rabbit race radagast rain rainbow ranger rangers rare rat react reaction reactor rebel reckless reclaim recreation red reflectionplanet regrets reid release repulsor rescue return reupload revenge review revised rey rhodes rhodey rich rick riddle riddles ride rider riders rides riding rigs rinf ring ringbearer rings ringwraith ringwraiths rip rises risk rivalry rivendell river roast robot rock rohan rohirrim romance roof round rowers rubeus ruin ruins rum run runes running sad saga sailor sam same samwise san sand sandy santa saruman sarumans sauron saurons sawaya súl scale scaley scar scaramanga scary scavenger scene scenes scott scratchen screwdriver scribe sdcc sea seasick sedd see seed seeds seeing seek seeking series serpent serpentine servant serve set sets setup seven shakespeare shall shape share shelob sheriff shield shieldbaording ship shire shock short should show shpowdown sick sickness siege sifig sig sigfig signal signature silvan silver simply sirius sith six skeleton skendiv sketch skull sky skydive skydiver skydiving skywalker slave small smaug smeagol smoke smoking snake snow snowball snowballs soaceship soldier someone song sonic sorcery sorry soul space spaceship spark sparrow spear species speech spell spells spider spiderman spiders spiky spirit split splitz spoof spooky spotted spray sprite spy square squirrel sring st staff stair stairs star starfighter starfighters stark starlord starwars state statue steel stephen steward sting stone stop storm storming stormtrooper story strikes strings stud study stunt stupendous style submission suit sul sullustan sun sunbathing sunflower sunset super superhero superman suron survive survivor swamp swan swor sword symbol t t3 tagged take talk tan tape tardis tatoo tatooine tauriel teaser tech technology teddy teen teeth ten terrified tesseract test thanfu thank thanks thanksgiving that thats théoden theaterfilm thebattleoft theft thelego theoden theodenkingstandsalonegandalfthewhiteeomerrohirrimhorsechargebattleofhelmhelms there these thespian they thief thieves thing things this thisistrulytheend thor thorin thorins thranduil thranduils threshold throne throw thrush thunder tick time times tiny tirith tock tolkien tom tomb tonto tony took top torch tower towers town toy toylegography toys trading tragedy trailer transform transformation trap treachery treasure treat treating tree trek tribute trick trilogy troll trolls trollshaws trooper troopers true trust tube turtle tv twing two tx35 tyler ugly ulrich ultron ultron32 unadulterated underwater undo undoubtedly unexpected unexpectedjourney unicorn unikitty union unknown unnoticed up update uruk urukhai va vader vain valentine valentines vampire vanity veronica version versions versus very victorian view vig vignette vii villain vintage virginia vision:car=0505 vision:car=0538 vision:car=0544 vision:car=0547 vision:car=0597 vision:car=0915 vision:clouds=0504 vision:clouds=0505 vision:clouds=0629 vision:clouds=0652 vision:clouds=0686 vision:clouds=0794 vision:dark=0537 vision:dark=0556 vision:dark=0597 vision:face=099 vision:mountain=0507 vision:mountain=0577 vision:mountain=0581 vision:mountain=0603 vision:mountain=0633 vision:night=054 vision:night=0607 vision:night=0628 vision:night=063 vision:night=0786 vision:night=079 vision:night=0878 vision:night=095 vision:outdoor=0507 vision:outdoor=051 vision:outdoor=0512 vision:outdoor=0543 vision:outdoor=0588 vision:outdoor=0603 vision:outdoor=0627 vision:outdoor=0664 vision:outdoor=0677 vision:outdoor=0717 vision:outdoor=0759 vision:outdoor=0786 vision:outdoor=0808 vision:outdoor=0811 vision:outdoor=0812 vision:outdoor=082 vision:outdoor=0824 vision:outdoor=0827 vision:outdoor=0852 vision:outdoor=0857 vision:outdoor=0885 vision:outdoor=0925 vision:outdoor=0946 vision:outdoor=0958 vision:outdoor=099 vision:people=099 vision:plant=0546 vision:plant=07 vision:portrait=099 vision:sky=0507 vision:sky=0529 vision:sky=0547 vision:sky=0555 vision:sky=0561 vision:sky=0562 vision:sky=0588 vision:sky=0591 vision:sky=0602 vision:sky=0606 vision:sky=0628 vision:sky=0632 vision:sky=0634 vision:sky=068 vision:sky=0726 vision:sky=0754 vision:sky=077 vision:sky=0773 vision:sky=0818 vision:sky=0823 vision:sky=0852 vision:sky=0856 vision:sky=0935 vision:street=0915 vision:sunset=0611 vision:sunset=0813 vision:text=0502 vision:text=0505 vision:text=051 vision:text=0512 vision:text=0514 vision:text=0523 vision:text=0567 vision:text=0602 vision:text=0614 vision:text=0632 vision:text=0642 volcano voldemort vs wakanda wal walk wall wan wand want war warg wargs wars warsparodyhobbitonshireringwriathlord watchful watchtower water wayne we wealth wealthy weathertop web website wee weird well werewolf west western what where white who whom whoops why wicket wide wild will william win windlance windup wing wings winter wip witch witchking with withstand wizard wizards wolf wood woods workshop world worlds wormtongue would write x xmas xxvi xxxvi yazneg year years yellow yellowjacket yikes you your youre youtube zabrak zombie zombies {vision}:{sky}=0528