Croatia & Slovenian LEGO Clubs

So a friend of mine (Thanks, Todd Thuma) sent me a link to Matija Grguric: Arquitecto de LEGO today. From what I gather, Matija is a architecture student in Croatia (that was on his english MOCpage account, btw; but I can still read a little Spanish). Within the article, there’s a link to Matija’s Croatian LEGO club, (link in English). Also found a link from KockeFest (which happened April 4, 2009, btw) to another LEGO club Kocke Klub (link in English). Now to many of you, this might be old news… probably seen it already on TBB… but other than a event announcement, there’s no follow up photos (there are in the KockeFest link above, so it was nice to see what was at KockeFest).

Personally, I like discovering (rediscovering) LEGO clubs and see what they’re up to. Going through old photos to see how the club has grown in terms of creations, imagination, & creativity.

Eventually, I’ll add them to a list of links I’ve been keeping on BrickBuildr to other fan of LEGO web-sites, but I want to reorder it a little… When I get some free time.

